Sunday, February 1, 2015

Angkor Wat

It is hard to adequately describe a temple complex as large as Angkor Wat. We had watched some good videos on the building of Angkor Wat, which gave sizes, build times, workmen involved, etc. But till you see Angkor for yourself, it is really really hard to conceptualize the size of this temple complex.

The keystone and most famous temple cluster is Angkor Wat, encompassing around 160 square acres of intricate, ornate stone carvings, and towering spires.

It would be a massive task to build a one or two acre temple, but just one of many complexes is itself around 160 acres. It is mind boggling.

We visited a wall enclosing an entire city, with ornate gates, a huge mote, and on the inner side backfilled with a gentle slope to the ground. The amount of work involved from a huge number of people is staggering. We asked our guide how large that wall was and he estimated over two miles each side.

There were thousands, perhaps millions of people depicted in almost life size throughout the temple walls. The statues / carvings would be holding various objects and hands in various positions, and various head dresses.

Everywhere inside the buildings was ornate carvings, this one near a door opening.

Jesus yearns for this people so steeped in superstition and fear to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

This vast land has been in darkness for centuries.

Pray with us for a spark.

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