Monday, February 2, 2015

The smells of Siem Reap

We promised you the sights, sounds and smells of our mission trip. I think it is easier to show you a picture than describe the smells of the place, but here we go!

We have yet to eat a durian (we will and will post about it in detail) but today at lunch a durian lover called it the king of fruits. This durian lover compared the smell to an open sewer mixed with rotten onions. I commented that neither of these descriptions were encouraging. He told a story of a durian being in cargo luggage in an airplane, and when it came into the airport, a bomb squad was called in and they closed the terminal for 2 hours.

This afternoon I walked some of the streets of Siem Reap, and every block here and there you smell an open sewer. By my estimation the sewer system in this town has challenges. As you move the smell does not waft far down the block (it is not everywhere), but it is definitely present in various locations.

I have heard that only 10% of the sewage in Cambodia is properly treated, and if this is true then the effects of sewage can affect all waterways and ponds.

We do not drink any water from a tap anywhere. Only bottled water is consumed, even for rinsing out your tooth brush.

Back to smells of Siem Reap, several places down each block is a little or large food stand. This is not an over powering smell, but often there is a waft of fried cooking. Daniel says you should know that snails cooked in onions and red sauce stinks! I have not investigated so closely to have such a decided opinion.

Overall smell is not a problem. If I were to suggest an issue it would be air quality. It is often hazy with dust in the air. Many locals where face masks, not because of disease but to filter some of the dust.

The people here are choking in the haze of superstition and fear. Jesus is the answer they need.

Pray with us for a spark!

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