Friday, February 6, 2015

Giants in the Land

When I think of a giant, I think of Goliath. Big, strong, perhaps even evil. But here in Cambodia, we have met true Giants. As I type this my eyes mist over and I briefly can not see my phone keyboard... The Giants here are not especially tall. They do not have super human strength. In fact, when I came, I could not see the giants, they looked like everyone else.

But within a few hours, key people I interacted with started to grow in my appreciation. And not that I am the judge of men, but I came to see clearer the character of self sacrifice.

These people would not be happy to be put on a pedestal. They see their lives with humility -- and would object to my highlight of their life of service. When I took this photo at the beginning of Sabbath School was one of the few times this week I saw them together. They simply say "it has been a busy week"-- and they say that with love and joy.

But when these people walk by in quiet self sacrifice, the earth should tremble under their tread. Their steps are rapid, for they have many tasks and attend to, but if you could imagine their stride in God's appreciation, it would be more than a giant walking by. Tim and Windy run a faith based ministry. They founded the training center, the school and the orphanage in what is called the SALT center. It is at their ministry compound where the camp meeting for all of Cambodia is being held this week.

Oh what is great in heaven is so different than how man considers greatness. It is not financial wealth, for true giants have given their all for others. It is not in houses and lands, for termites are attaching the homes here and turning them into rubble. It is not in how much power over others they wield, for they are servant leaders, willing to empower and grow others to good service.

Yes, there are many giants here. I see giants in the pastors, lay pastors, church planters and medical missionary workers. May there be many more.

Pray with us for a spark.

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